2019 Committees

Steering Committee Chair:
*David Parter
*Elizabeth Simcock

Project Manager:
*Emily Loew

Program Committee:
*Mandy Morrow (chair)
Eric Straavaldsen
John DeMuth
Amanda Thornton
Patrick Meade
Debra Shipiro
Kip Rood
David Lorman
Becky Torrsi
Jeff Ballard
Isabelle Girard
Chris Diorio
Dan Simanek

Communications Committee:
*Christina Gomez (co-chair)
*Sara Nagreen (co-chair)
Mariah Julson
Tom Forrester
Tony Tallmadge

Logistics Committee:
*Brian Deith (chair)
Jay Ray
Steve Tanner
Angela Stephens
Eric White
Terry Bradshaw
Will Kraus
Tony Johnson
Roksana Baladi

Keynote Committee:
*Amanda Thornton (chair)
Elizabeth Simcock
Mandy Morrow
David Parter
Steve Tanner

Finance Committee:
*Terry Bradshaw (co-chair)
*Sara Nagreen (co-chair)
Elizabeth Simcock
David Parter

IT Connects Liaison:
*Jason Pursian

*Denotes that this member served on the Steering Committee