Kraus, Will

Will Kraus


Web and Mobile Solutions (WaMS) at DoIT

Will Kraus

2018 Session

Title: Augmented and Mixed Reality Development with the Microsoft HoloLens
Co-Presenters: Mark Field, Mike Tessmer
Mixed Reality through the Microsoft HoloLens (Google/Youtube it!) allows collaborative interaction with virtual objects integrated into our physical world.
Imagine wearing mixed reality goggles that allow students or researchers to see one another, see their physical environment, but also view and interact with the same virtual objects.

  1. Examining a virtual 3D cadaver in the middle of a conference room that we can all walk around, collaboratively dissect, and discuss. Later at night, you study using the same virtual tools and body in your living room.
  2. Simulating the real-time mixing of 3 different liquids into a virtual, 10x scale beaker allowing dozens of us to view and alter the experiment, adding a fourth or fifth liquid or solution on demand, exploring the impact at the particle level.
  3. Viewing all the plumbing, electrical, and ductwork behind all the walls of the room you are in, or augmenting the existing room with an additional wall/door to simulate what a remodel might look like.
  4. Modeling an approaching wall cloud with tornadic capabilities in a conference room, with a virtual scaled landscape on the floor.

We’ll demo the Microsoft HoloLens, demo our proof of concept application built for medical physicists in the School of Medicine and Public Health, explain the software development process, brainstorm campus applications, and provide an opportunity for participants to try out the product as time allows.


Software Developer, Project Manager, and HoloLens Geek – Web and Mobile Solutions (WaMS) at DoIT