Extension uses SharePoint in Office 365 as a robust, modern Intranet for program collaboration, administrative communication, and business workflows.
In 2019 Extension merged with UW-Madison, which required transitioning all IT infrastructure including our SharePoint-based intranet. An aggressive timeline and minimal campus support of SharePoint in Office 365 made for an exciting project. We will discuss how we migrated from a legacy on-premises SharePoint server farm to UW-Madison’s Office 365 SharePoint Online tenant, the compromises and improvements we made, and the relationships with DoIT that we built.
Attendees will learn potential ways to leverage SharePoint in a large school/division, tools and techniques for managing SharePoint migrations, and working with SharePoint with minimal DoIT support.
This presentation maintains that SharePoint as a collaborative tool provides an effective online solution for digital curation and sharing of resources to meet the information needs of instructional design communities across campus. Furthermore, it provide tips, tricks and best practices to effectively implement a SharePoint Resource Library with MS Teams using collaborative project management strategies.
After completing this presentation, participants will be able to: Identify the steps for implementing a SharePoint Library. Recognize how a SharePoint Library organizes information. Access a SharePoint Library from MS Teams. Reflect on Project Management best practices for implementing a collaborative project.
It may be useful to have knowledge and experience with MS Teams, SharePoint and MS Office applications.