Agile beyond software development: Understanding Agile’s versatility


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Join us for a panel discussion featuring experts who are applying Agile principles in software development and other IT specialties. Expand your perspective on agile methodology and its power to boost productivity and collaboration across diverse disciplines.

Attendees will:

  • Discover the versatility of Agile methodology and its potential to improve workflow and teamwork in various fields
  • Hear about real-world examples of Agile principles applied outside of software development
  • Learn how to separate Agile concepts from their most common context and adapt them to different industries
  • Engage with panelists to gain insights and deepen their understanding of Agile applications


DNS and you: A primer on website names


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In this session, we’ll dive into the world of Domain Name System (DNS), the crucial component that translates human-friendly website names into machine-readable IP addresses. We’ll explore the fundamentals of DNS, what it is, and how it works, and discuss UW’s policies and practices surrounding DNS. Participants will gain a better grasp of the inner workings of the internet and be equipped with knowledge to troubleshoot and manage DNS-related issues more effectively.

Attendees will:

  • Gain a foundational understanding of what DNS is and how it functions as the Internet’s address book
  • Learn about the hierarchical structure of domain names and how they are resolved into IP addresses
  • Discover the DNS policies and procedures specific to UW–Madison
  • Acquire practical skills to determine where a website is hosted using DNS tools and techniques
  • Develop an appreciation for the importance of DNS in the smooth functioning of the internet and its relevance to their daily online activities


Cybersecurity Appscanner: New features and best practices for secure web apps

Room 313
Note: Presenters will be virtual for this session.

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Discover the latest enhancements to Cybersecurity Appscanner, the user-friendly web application vulnerability scanner developed by DoIT’s Web and Mobile Solutions (WaMS) team and the Office of Cybersecurity. Check out new features they developed based on community feedback, including API setup, GitLab integration, and Manifest groups access control. Learn best practices for secure web application development and see a real-time application portfolio management dashboard in action.

Attendees will:

  • Explore new features of Cybersecurity Appscanner
  • Learn best practices for secure web application development
  • Discover application portfolio management strategies
  • Gain insights to strengthen web application security posture


Platform X: How SMPH implemented a secure data enclave

Room 313

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Discover how the School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) implemented a secure data enclave using DevOps, Azure cloud computing and Microsoft’s suite of security tools. SMPH’s platform enables researchers, data engineers and data scientists to utilize resources like virtual machines, databases, OpenAI, data lakes and Power BI, all while protecting patient privacy. Gain insights into creating and scaling a secure computing environment in the cloud and learn about the platform’s capabilities.

Attendees will:

  • Learn about the approach SMPH took in creating their secure enclave
  • Hear about the various resources available within the platform
  • Discover how the platform maintains patient privacy while providing access to powerful tools for research and analysis
  • Gain practical tips about how to create and scale your own secure computing enclave in your IT environment


Testing, Linting, and Automation in APIs


We will discuss using a variety of tools in our CI/CD pipeline to make sure our product works, works well, and is written well. I hope you will find one new you aren’t using yet, learn how to use it, and integrate it into your CI/CD pipelines. A general understanding of software development and CI/CD pipelines is required.

Presenter Information

Image Credit: Pixabay

Jupyterhub in AWS for Instruction: It’s only temporary, unless it works… – Live Session

Conference Session

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Our presentation covers an overview of how a partnership between CS and CAE has been providing instances of Jupyterhub notebooks for instruction over the past several years. We will discuss how we have implemented the notebooks using AWS, structured load balancing and integrated with Canvas courses. There will be some demos of the tools we’ve used including terraform, helm and an alternating pair of A-B AWS instances for production and testing environments. We will conclude with a brief chat about future work items we are still figuring out and look for discussion with the community about best practices.

Familiarity with the concepts of cloud services, AWS especially, would be very helpful. Some familiarity with the concepts of containers and CI/CD pipelines will also help.

Attendees will become (more) familiar with cloud resources, learn about innovation in instructional support, discuss when projects take off at the university and stop being “pilots”. They will also learn about ways that people can work across various units in the university and facilitate inter-departmental cooperation.

Presenter Information

Original Logo from Wikipedia Commons. Image created by Mandy Morrow.

Development, Security and Operations Working Together for UW Madison – Live Session

Conference Session

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When specialized IT fields – Development, Security and Operations – work together, they can solve problems that separate departments many not be able to handle. The process looks different from each perspective. Yet it is teamwork and respect for people with different skill sets that strengthens the UW IT community and keeps technology growing to meet the needs of the University and beyond.

Presenter Information

Image by Raphael Brasileiro from Pexels.

Python CI: Packaging, Versioning, and Publishing

*Captions have been auto-generated via YouTube. We are actively working to edit these. Please check back if you need captions.


A walk-through of a tested, GitHub-Action workflow for publishing Python code to PyPI. Topics covered include: setup.cfg vs, using a published open source setup.cfg-builder, rethinking the requirements.txt file, and automated semantic versioning.

PyPI-publishing doesn’t have to be tedious. Semantic versioning is your friend. Pip-installing packages by GitHub-commit URLs will cause errors.

My audience needs to know how to use GitHub and a basic understanding of Python packaging and PyPI (pip).

Live Q&A Drop-Ins

Friday, June 3rd, 12:45-1:15pm

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Presenter Information

Original Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay. Python logo added from Wikipedia Commons.

Provisioning Infrastructure as Code via Gitlab and Terraform


Our presentation will focus on how our team used Terraform, an Infrastructure as Code tool, and Gitlab to fully automate the provisioning and deployment of the Residency App, a serverless application that collects data from prospective college applicants and helps to determine their residency status.

Key points that we will cover:

  • Terraform basics
  • Bootstrapping a terraform provisioning plan
  • Integrating Terraform with Gitlab CI/CD
  • Handling multiple application environments, such as QA and Production
  • Service account credential handling in Terraform and in the Cloud

We would like our audience to be able to get a basic sense of the work involved in provisioning and deploying a cloud-based application using an Infrastructure as Code strategy and the CI/CD tools available at UW.

Live Q&A Drop-Ins

Friday, June 3rd, 12:45-1:15pm

Join the Zoom Event

Presenter Information

Why DNS Automation is Amazing

Pre-Recorded Session

Live Q&A

Friday, June 4th, 11:00 – 11:30 am


API enabling your DNS server will let you do awesome things! See why having API access to DNS for all necessary parties enables automation on a level we’ve only previously dreamed about. We were manually doing certificate renewal for 1800+ certs, but after implementing Infoblox API + AWS Cert Manager + Wiscweb we have 1800+ Automatically renewed SSL Certificates FTW. And this pattern can be used by anyone! This session is perfect for people who have or host websites, or run DNS servers.

Presenter Information