Cunningham, Cliff
Cliff Cunningham
Division of Information Technology (DoIT)
Academic Technology (AT) - Learn@UW-Madison
Learning Technologies Consultant & Trainer

Cliff has enjoy a 29-year career in software training and support. He has worked in the private sector and the health care field, and for the past 13 years, he has worked with UW-Madison, in Academic Technology. He began delivering training on several desktop, office-productivity applications. He now works with Learn@UW-Madison, which is tasked with providing support, training and administration for 12 centrally-managed learning technologies (including Canvas, Kaltura, AEFIS, Top Hat, etc). He is a devoted husband and father, an avid cruciverbalist, and if has a lot to say about the baseball card industry. (Don’t ask unless you’re serious.) He appreciates this opportunity to share with an audience his experiences and battle scars in the world of technical training.
2022 Sessions
Effective Presentation of Technical Material
IT Recognition Awards Ceremony