Henderson, Kyle

Kyle Henderson

Credentials: (He/Him)

Division of Information Technology (DoIT)

Kyle Henderson Headshot


Kyle is a digital communication designer, developer and teacher. He’s the web solutions team lead at DoIT Communications, where he and his colleagues used the UW Theme to build it.wisc.edu, uhs.wisc.edu, DoITnet (the DoIT intranet), iSchool.wisc.edu and other campus sites. He also teaches at Madison College and is currently designing curriculum for moving the college’s Basic Web Certificate courses online. He has a master’s degree in communication from UW-Whitewater, a professional certificate in UX Fundamentals from NYU and is completing a graduate certificate in digital design at Harvard Extension.

2021 Session

IT Talks Technical: What & Why Now? – Live Session

2020 Session

Telling Your IT Story to Non-IT Audiences

2018 Session

How to Make the UW Theme Sing