Schneider, Deanna

Deanna Schneider

Credentials: (She/Her)


Division of Extension
Office of Educational Technology Support
Software and Data Engineer

Deanna Schneider Headshot


Deanna is a Software and Data Engineer with the Office of Educational Technology Support. She builds data collection applications, conducts data analysis, and integrates disparate data systems. Deanna started her career with Extension in 1994. She spent 5 years working as a youth development educator in Dane County before transitioning to a state role in technology. She has served a variety of technical roles since 1999. She earned her bachelor’s degree from UW-Madison and her master’s degree in data science from UW-Eau Claire.

2023 Session

Let Your Data Do the Talking

2022 Session

Extension Intranet in SharePoint Online

2021 Session

Map it! – Using Google Data Studio to Build an Interactive Map