Zhang, Xiujuan Jane

Xiujuan Jane Zhang

Email: xiujuan.zhang@wisc.edu

Wisconsin School of Business

2019 Session

Project Management in Smart Action

2018 Session

Title: Better external relations with CRM: A Wisconsin School of Business Story
Co-Presenter: Dean McInerney
At the Wisconsin School of Business (WSB), we see the immense value in building relationships with external partners because it is vital to our student placement as well as talent recruitment. We have set up a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system specifically for tracking our relationship building activities. However, getting people to adopt the system is a constant uphill battle due to several reasons: change is hard, I track my contacts with email or excel file, I need to protect my leads, etc. We needed to be innovative and inspiring for a WSB-wide system adoption.
In this presentation, we will tell stories about our project governance structure and innovative processes, how we follow them closely to engage with stakeholders for their success. As of today, 8 of our BBA/MBA centers have nearly 500 advisory board members in CRM, ready to track their relationships! To carry this momentum, we expanded our learning sessions to a broader audience including students for CRM skills and best practices. With this solid user community in place, we will continue to leverage IT to transform WSB into a data-driven decision-making organization.
Our presentation has three parts: 1) introducing our business problem, 2) explaining our governance structure/process, 3) illustrating how our CRM system tracks external engagements.


Xiujuan Jane Zhang is an aspiring leader in education innovation. She has a demonstrated history of achievements with advanced skills in enterprise system and integration, data analysis, blended course design, and project management. She is a recognized cross-cultural leader, facilitator, and collaborator with the ability to work with cross-functional objectives, leading projects independently and collaboratively. Xiujuan currently works in the Wisconsin School of Business at UW-Madison as a business analyst and instructor. As a UW-Madison Alumna with a Master of Science degree, and Masters Certificates in Business Analysis and Project Management, she always embraces the Wisconsin Idea, paying it forward by coaching international students, and visiting scholars on leadership, culture and community engagements in her spare times.