From Handrolled to 3rd Party: moving a client from a legacy in-house application to a complex, and expensive commercial product

Presented by: Julie Zachman
Room: 1295
Time: 2:15-3:00 PM
Suppose you have been maintaining a legacy app that has accumulated a decade’s worth of data for an internal customer. Let’s say the customer’s needs are evolving and they see that one or two critical requirements are missing from the app that was written ten years ago using only rudimentary libraries. Now let’s say the customer decides to look for, and eventually implement, a third party app that meets all their needs but will never ever be as tailored to their specific situation as the old app was. What are the problems, pitfalls, and pathways you can expect to encounter?
This is a lessons learned talk. After hearing about the issues I’d like us to brainstorm on mitigations that could be undertaken before, during and after migration.