Room: Room 1175
Need to take a break from sessions or have a few minutes to spare during one of the breaks? Check out this amazing Hololens Demonstration going on in Room 1175, just off the West Atrium!
Category: 2019 Conference
Interoperability – Future Vision
Presented by: Tom Jordan
Room: Plenary Room (1310)
Time: 10:15-11:00 AM
As UW Madison contemplates significant changes to the ERP landscape, CIO Lois Brooks has challenged a team to capture current state and help to define a future vision for data and systems interoperability across the University. This presentation will describe the team’s work to date and their vision for a user-focused, self-service model for access to data, identity and integration services.
Audience members should leave with an understanding of the issues surrounding the current state of application, data and system integration and identity management, and an understanding of the future vision for integrated service development and delivery.
Serverless Cloud Services: What They Are and Why They're Cool
Presented by: Joe Johnson
Room: Morgridge Auditorium (1100)
Time: 10:15-11:00 AM
Serverless technologies are widely available in all three major public cloud providers. These technologies offer many advantages over traditional development environments and deployment techniques for specific application functionality. This presentation will highlight some of the more useful serverless technologies and discuss ways they can be leveraged to develop easy to maintain, low-cost cloud applications.
Attendees will be able to explain why serverless technologies are helpful tools for solving certain types of application functionality. Additionally, attendees will be able to give examples of up to five specific serverless technologies and situations where those technologies might be used.
Project Management in Smart Action
Presented by: Xiujuan Jane Zhang & Beth Wiebusch
Room: 1185
Time: 10:15-11:00 AM
Whether you are a project manager (PM), business analyst or just a project team member who delivers innovative results to your organization, most of us experienced the challenges of collaborating. In this session, two actresses will bring those challenges into a full display for your entertainment, and we will demonstrate how collaboration skills and a cloud-based PM tool make our collaboration a bliss!
You will learn leadership improvisation, basic project management skills, process improvement, data visualization, and ultimately how to drive business results through fun and effective collaboration.
What on Earth is $acronym_of_campus_IT_unit?
Presented by: Elizabeth Simcock, Mandy Morrow, Sara Tate-Pederson, Stephanie Scherer-Johnson, Brian Deith, Chris Poser, Dave DeCoster & Jason Erdmann
Room: 1295
Time: 10:15-11:00 AM
This is a big place. It is easy to be on campus for years and still find yourself saying to someone, “You work where? What does that stand for? What does that group do?” Two-thirds of IT employees on our campus are in distributed units: schools, departments, institutes, centers, special projects, and more. We’ll have representatives from a variety of them open a window to what their group is and what kinds of work keep them running. Then we will open up the room for round-table discussions so that we can all learn more from each other.
Participants will learn at least one thing they did not know about the structure or function of another IT group on campus, and they will improve their own elevator pitch ability to explain what they do.
Two DMARC Presentations
Room: Nicholas Hall (2080)
Talk #1 – DMARC Pushing the Envelope
Presented by: Jesse Thompson
Time: 10:15-10:35 AM
The migration for Office 365 is complete and DMARC is underway for Jesse will talk about the future of email at UW-Madison and the world.
Attendees will have the following questions answered: How will DMARC be offered as a service for subdomains? What will SMTP Relay evolve into? How can cloud & vendor email services be leveraged? What are the latest evolving email standards, and what problems are they going to solve?
Talk #2 – How to WP SES in AWS to win at DMARC
Presented by: Phil Jochimsen
Time: 10:40-11:00 AM
You can’t send email with WordPress in AWS without all of the pieces necessary to be DMARC compliant. Attend this short session to see how combining DNS entries and the WP SES plugin with WordPress can be used to send emails from WordPress.
Attendees will learn how to get WordPress to send emails from AWS.
How to Celebrate Success
Presented by: Christopher Yue
Room: Plenary Room (1310)
Time: 11:15-12:00 PM
I often struggle with the feeling that no one really thinks about IT professional colleagues until something goes wrong. We obviously do much more than just putting out fires.
This session will discuss best practices to communicate and celebrate our successes, a step we rarely see or include in our planning, but is arguably the most important step we should take. After completing a complex project, most of us do very little more than sending an email out to stakeholders and inform them that the project is complete.
Celebrate our success is much more than just patting ourselves on the back. It is an important and useful tool for stakeholder engagement, for user education, and for testing and feedback gathering. It does not hurt that our celebrations will also raise awareness of our accomplishments.
Join me to talk about how to celebrate our successes!
Session participants will walk away with a celebration plan they have created for a project they are working on, based on ideas from the presentation and the community brainstorming portion.
Flash Talk Session – Part 1
Room: Morgridge Auditorium (1100)
Flash Talk #1 – History of Getting Digital Light Images into the EMR
Presented by: David Lorman & Michael Hetzer
Time: 11:15-11:20 AM
How UW Dermatology from the bottom up brought UW Health to see the light of integrating digital images into the electronic medical record.
We’ll discuss the importance of reaching out into the IT community, finding ways to partnership, persistence, open mindedness.
Flash Talk #2 – Clojure for the Win
Presented by: Andrew Petro
Time: 11:20-11:25 AM
Clojure, a JVM-hosted Java-interoperating LISP, is a high leverage language for some kinds of programming tasks. This talk will peek at what Clojure is good at in certain circumstances and what you might consider using it for in your own work. The source of talk idea is experiences trying to and actually succeeding at using Clojure in bits of MyUW.
Audience members who attend will learn:
- To challenge assumptions about what programming has to look like, what dependencies it has to have, how verbose it has to be.
- To focus on the things that really need doing with less.
- About immutability, data as data, pure functions.
Flash Talk #3 – Is it up?: a campus solution for backup monitoring
Presented by: Sara Nagreen
Time: 11:25-11:30 AM
If you use a monitoring app like Nagios, you probably are running it from your network. But what happens when your network goes down? Did you know there’s a free backup monitoring solution that we’ve demonstrated in L&S that will tell you if your servers are up even if your network is down?
Takeaways: You can get free backup monitoring for your network. Ask me how.
Flash Talk #4 – Linked Data for Heritage Management
Presented by: Tad Dockery
Time: 11:30-11:35 AM
Cultural resources are usually siloed into one-off databases with data formats specific to the researcher who made them. Linked data formats have exploded in availability, but associated tooling hasn’t, or isn’t publicized. But it’s possible to bridge the gap between legacy and linked data with gumption and evangelism.
Technology doesn’t change unless we make it. Useful techniques like Linked Data can seem difficult to implement, between lackluster available tooling, low awareness, and promises of utopian AI solutions; but putting the effort into a custom solution now can lead to better standard tooling, increased awareness, and independence from robot overlords.
If time, these presentations will be followed by a short break before the continued 11:40am session.
Access Control using JWT across multiple services
Presented by: David Schultz
Room: 1185
Time: 11:15-11:35 AM
IceCube had a need to link multiple services together with strong access control that could be detached from a user session, i.e. computing jobs. We have built a framework for multi-service authorization using JSON Web Tokens. This allows a user to create a single token with multiple access rights, give it to a computing job, and let it talk with the services on the user’s behalf. Also mentioned in the talk are security considerations for such a system, as well as deployment experiences using Kubernetes.
Patterns in Serverless Programming
Presented by: Brian Hill
Room: 1295
Time: 11:15-11:35 AM
Serverless computing services, such as AWS Lambda, can both replace and enhance traditional long-running server applications to provide higher performance at lower cost with less maintenance.
We will explore common strategies for integrating serverless computing services such as AWS Lambda both with, and in place of, traditional long running applications.