Timler, Tessa

Tessa Timler

Credentials: (She/Her)

Email: tessa.timler@wisc.edu

McBurney Disability Resource Center
Access & Transition Services Consultant

Tessa Timler Headshot


Tessa Timler is both an Access and Transition Services Consultant at the McBurney Disability Resource Center. Her role with the Transition Services Program begins with the prospective student experience and culminates with graduation and entry into employment or graduate school. She is also a generalist Access Consultant, working with students with AD/HD, autism, head injuries, and health, learning, mobility and psychological disabilities. Access Consultants determine eligibility for classroom and housing accommodations and work with students, faculty and the campus community to provide disability – related support and advocacy. She works to promote equal access to programs, activities, and services at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

2021 Sessions

Best Practices on Providing Accessible Virtual Event and Language Access (with Live Q&A)