Villarreal, Conor
Conor Villarreal
Credentials: (He/Him)
School of Education
MERIT Library
IT Support Specialist
Conor joined MERIT Library in 2019 as an IT Support Specialist as a part-time student staff while completing his degree in Computer Science. During his time at MERIT he helped jumpstart the TechTA program at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and has been a Help Desk Shift Lead after merging desk roles at MERIT Library. Conor’s role also included many opportunities to grow skills such as hiring best practices and leadership principles. As a Lead, Conor prioritizes helping other student staff feel welcome while learning new IT skills. During his time at UW-Madison, Conor served as a Trumpet Rank Leader in the UW Marching Band. After graduating in May 2023, Conor plans to pursue a career as a Software Engineer.