What on Earth is $acronym_of_campus_IT_unit?
Presented by: Elizabeth Simcock, Mandy Morrow, Sara Tate-Pederson, Stephanie Scherer-Johnson, Brian Deith, Chris Poser, Dave DeCoster & Jason Erdmann
Room: 1295
Time: 10:15-11:00 AM
This is a big place. It is easy to be on campus for years and still find yourself saying to someone, “You work where? What does that stand for? What does that group do?” Two-thirds of IT employees on our campus are in distributed units: schools, departments, institutes, centers, special projects, and more. We’ll have representatives from a variety of them open a window to what their group is and what kinds of work keep them running. Then we will open up the room for round-table discussions so that we can all learn more from each other.
Participants will learn at least one thing they did not know about the structure or function of another IT group on campus, and they will improve their own elevator pitch ability to explain what they do.